Style Guide

"But what do I wear??"

—the Grinch

Styling for your session

What you & your family wears to your session is a lot more important than you may think. Certain colors and patterns can distract from your beautiful faces or clash with the amazing location you choose. Adding a bit of texture and layers goes a long way.

But don't you worry, I got you covered!!

I have multiple ways to help you choose your whole families wardrobe in a breeze.

  1. I have a style guide that goes over a ton of tips, color schemes, dos & don't etc.
  2. I have a client closet of women's and kids outfits that you can borrow for your session. (Maternity friendly too)
  3. You also will have access to this amazing and personalized styling service called Style & Select. You will be able to coordinate outfits for your entire family from the comfort of your couch. No more running store to store and no more guessing! You can play around with it until you have selected the perfect outfit combo! If I really love your outfit, I might even buy it off of you to add it to my client closet.

Just ask me for my access code when booking your session.